Upcoming Talks
“On the Value of Mathematical Rigor in Physics”
3rd March 2020
12 – 1pm
Huntington Library, Los Angeles
Past Talks
Talks at International Peer-Reviewed Conferences
In Defence of Branch Counting in an Everettian Multiverse, 16th International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Prague, August 2019
Truth, Approximate Truth, and the Pessimistic Meta-Induction, The Swedish Congress of Philosophy, Umeå, August 2019
In Defence of Branch Counting in an Everettian Multiverse, Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting, Seattle, November 2018
Inaccuracy and the Objection from Verisimilitude, Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting, Atlanta, November 2016
What is the Value of Mathematical Rigor in Physics?, British Society for Philosophy of Science, Cardiff University, July 2016
Who is Afraid of Multiple Realizability?, European Philosophy of Science Association, Düsseldorf, September 2015.
The Probability Problem in Everettian Quantum Mechanics Persists, Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Helsinki, August 2015
Lewis’ Account of Counterfacutals is Incongruent with Lewis’ Account of Laws of Nature, (with S. Bradley), British Society for Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, July 2014
Probabilism and The Objection from Verisimilitude, Society for Exact Philosophy, California Institute of Technology, June 2014
The Objection from Verisimilitude - A Reply to Joyce. British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, University of Stirling, July 2012
Why I am not an Everettian, European Philosophy of Science Association, Athens, October 2011
The Aharanov Approach to Equilibrium, Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting, Montreal, November 2010
Why I am not an Everettian, British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, University College Dublin, July 2010
Nagelian Reduction Reloaded, University of Pittsburgh/Carnegie Mellon University Twelfth Annual Graduate Conference, University of Pittsburgh, March 2010
Quantum Statistical Mechanics: A Quantum (of) Success? British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, University of East Anglia, July 2009
The Status of Bridge Laws in the Reduction of Thermodynamics to Statistical Mechanics, British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, University of St. Andrews, July 2008
Invited Talks at Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars
The Value of Mathematical Rigor in Physics, Cognitive Science Research Group, New College of the Humanities, London, January 2020
Response to: The Explanatory Role Argument and the Metaphysics of Deterministic Chance (Nina Emery), Committee on the History and Philosophy of Science 34th Annual Conference: Chance and Probability in Science, University of Colorado Boulder, October 2018
In Defence of Branch Counting in an Everettian Multiverse, Probability and the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum MechanicsWorkshop, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, London, July 2018
The Value of Mathematical Rigor in Physics, CSULA Philosophy Department Seminar, November 2016
Chair at Foundations of Physics, London School of Economics, July 2016
The Pessimistic Meta-Induction is Self-Defeating, LSE Philosophy of Science Seminar, London School of Economics, Sept. 2014
Why Believe in Many-Worlds?, Philosophy Day, California State University Long Beach, May 2014
A New Model of Intertheoretic Reduction, Southern California Philosophy of Physics Group, University of California Irvine, December 2013
Response to: In the Beginning was the Doing: The Premises of Practical Syllogism (Eric Wiland), Rocky Mountain Ethics Conference, University of Colorado Boulder, July 2013
The Objection from Verisimilitude - A Challenge for Joyce, Choice Group Workshop, London School of Economics, November 2012
A New Model of Intertheoretic Reduction, History and Philosophy of Science Seminar, University of Leeds, October 2012
Class Teaching Guide, University of Reading / LSE Teacher Training Day, University of Reading, October 2012
Why Fodor’s Argument Against Reductionism Fails, Logic and Metaphysics Forum, Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, London, October 2011
Who’s Afraid of Nagelian Reduction? Emergence in Physics, Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, London, July 2010
The Aharanov Approach to Equilibrium, Research Seminar in the Philosophy of Natural Sciences, London School of Economics, February 2010
Who’s Afraid of Nagelian Reduction? (with Roman Frigg), Templeton Project Research Seminar, London School of Economics, January 2010
A Lewisian Approach to Metaethics, Research Seminar, London School of Economics, October 2009
Quantum Statistical Mechanics: A Quantum (of) Success? Philosophy of Probability in Physics Workshop, Carl von Linde-Akademie, Technical University Munich, July 2009
The Status of Bridge Laws in the Reduction of Thermodynamics to Statistical Mechanics, London-Paris Tilburg Workshop in Logic and Philosophy of Science II, Tilburg Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of Tilburg, October 2008
The Evolution of Altruism: A Reply to Okasha, WINP Research Seminar, London School of Economics, January 2008
Engagement, Service, and the Public Good
Public Lecture: tbd, CSULA Department of Physics Colloquium, February 2020
Public Lecture: Parallel Universes, Academic Honors College, October 2019
Public Lecture: Philosophical Reflections on Rigor in Mathematics, CSULA Math Club, November 2018
Public Event: History of Chess Set Design and the Munitz Chess Collection, CSULA Special Collections
Library , November 2018
Public Lecture: Philosophical Reflections on Rigor in Mathematics, CSULA Math Club, November 2018
Exhibition: Béton Brut Chess Set, College of Arts & Letters Showcase, Fine Arts Gallery, CSULA, October 2018
Public Debate: Artificial Intelligence: Metaphysics and Morality (with Professor David Pitt) CSULA Philosophy Department Public Debate Series in conjunction with CSULA Philosophy Club, October 2018
Podcast: On Parallel Worlds, Thinkative, July 2018
Public Talk: History of Chess Set Design, Days LA, June 2018
Radio: From the Slippery Slope to the Strawman, which Logical Fallacy do You Encounter Most Often? AirTalk w/ Larry Mantle, KPCC, March 2017
Public Lecture: On Parallel Worlds, Shakespeare & Co, Paris, July 2016
Public Lecture: The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, College of Arts and Letters Colloquium at the Huntington Library, February 2016
Public Lecture: The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Shakespeare & Co (Philosophers in the Library Series), Paris, September 2015
Public Lecture: Why Believe in Many-Worlds?, Sunday Assembly, Los Angeles, October 2015
Public Lecture: Three Kinds of Parallel Worlds, Open School East, London, March 2015
Public Lecture: Modal Realism in 5 Minutes!, Thursday Morning Brain Melt, Made By Many, London, December 2012
Public Lecture: Why Believe in Many-Worlds?, The White Building Talks, [ SPACE ], London, November 2012
Public Lecture: The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, LSE Departmental Away Weekend, Cumberland Lodge, November 2012
Public Lecture: The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Philosophy@LSE Public Lectures London School of Economics, January 2012